Kevin Jn. Baptiste, is a 30-year old young man challenged by disability who lives independently in Castries, St. Lucia. He spent the last seven years employed as a Marketing Representative and Ambassador for a jewelry company. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kevin’s job was made redundant and he became unemployed. While at home, Kevin saw an advert on social media for the SkYE programme. Kevin is a member of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities and serves as the Public Relations Officer (PRO). While still deciding whether to participate, the President of the NCPD also recommended the programme.

Kevin with his certificate from Monroe College. Photo Credits: Kevin Baptiste
Kevin likes accounting and therefore decided to pursue the Book-Keeping course at Monroe College. Kevin had personal doubts at the beginning but successfully graduated from the course and learnt a lot. He said, “Entering the programme was challenging as a wheelchair user; it felt like a damper and I felt like an outcast. I was also the only male taking the course, so I had to encourage myself by saying ‘Kevin, you have to do good’. The professor was extremely patient in explaining the accounting strategies and went as far as doing extra sessions on Zoom to go through the theories step-by-step”.
Kevin’s family is happy and proud that he has taken the course. He received tremendous support from his father who transported him to the classes. His new skills allow him to assist his aunt with the budgeting and payroll tasks for the pre-school she owns. She particularly admires his determination despite being wheelchair bound; he still pushes to persevere.

Kevin on the job. Photo Credits: Kevin Baptiste
After completing the theoretical aspect of training, Kevin moved to on-the-job training to obtain practical skills. He received placement at J.E. Bergasse and Company Ltd. and was assigned to the accounting department where he completed spreadsheets for shipments and petty cash reports. He allocated freight and duties for supplier invoices and bill postings. Although he enjoyed the training, the experience was not enjoyable at first. He was nervous and panicked when he could not grasp their accounting system. He said, “In the first week I wanted to give up; I called my aunt and told her that I was quitting.
“However, after I recalled the steps learned in class; putting the figures in the right places and balancing petty cash etc., and then becoming familiar with the company’s accounting system, thereafter it was easy to follow. I was excited to go back and do more; I loved it!”
Kevin expressed gratitude to the staff at the company, “They were very accommodating and ensured I had all the necessities to be comfortable on the job – even use of the wheelchair accessible restroom.” He is also thankful to Monroe College team; they made arrangements for their driver to take Kevin to the job site when his dad was unable to.
Kevin would like to continue in the accounting field if he receives the opportunity to further his career, “I would jump at it” he said. He is currently sending out applications and is hopeful of landing a job soon.
He strongly believes the programme can benefit persons in St. Lucia. He said, “The certificate in hand can be a plus especially if it’s a CVQ; it can allow them to work anywhere in the Caribbean, so it is a great opportunity.”
Skills for Youth Employment (SkYE) is a four-year, UKaid funded programme to provide certified skills training for 6,000 disadvantaged young people, including those challenged by disability, in four Eastern Caribbean countries: Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia and St Vincent & the Grenadines. The Programme will develop a more productive and inclusive workforce in sectors with good economic growth potential.
SkYE is supporting national training authorities and training providers to make systemic improvements to the development, delivery and quality assurance of technical, vocational education and training (TVET) in the four focus islands through targeted capacity building.