Do you remember Andre Bernard? He is a former trainee of the SkYE supported Wood Craft Training that was facilitated by the Youth Development Division at the Dominica States Prison in 2020. Andre has shown remarkable tenacity and remains committed to improving his life and utilizing opportunities to stay free from crime and reincarceration.

Some products made by Andre. Photo Credits: Andre Bernard
Since successfully completing his training, Andre continues to improve his woodworking skills. He sees the limited access to facilities and tools in his home community of San Sauveur as no excuse not to persevere. He has maintained a relationship with his former Wood Craft Instructor, Mr. Francis Richards. Through his support, Andre has been able to receive further guidance and encouragement to survive the difficult challenges on his journey to success. Mr. Richards has noticed his persistence and has freely opened his personal workshop and has made his tools and equipment available to Andre so he can improve his skill and perfect the craft of woodwork.
If you are walking along the streets of Roseau, you might come across Andre engaged in street vending for his well-crafted wooden pieces. During the times when sales for his products are slow, Andre ensures that he keeps busy to earn an income. He has used his soft skills (employability) training to work part-time with the road repair and maintenance crew to fix holes on village roads and also found part-time employment as a linesman installing cables in various communities in the eastern region of the island.
Skills for Youth Employment (SkYE) is a four-year, UKaid funded programme to provide certified skills training for 6,000 disadvantaged young people, including those challenged by disability, in four Eastern Caribbean countries: Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia and St Vincent & the Grenadines. The Programme will develop a more productive and inclusive workforce in sectors with good economic growth potential.
SkYE is supporting national training authorities and training providers to make systemic improvements to the development, delivery and quality assurance of technical, vocational education and training (TVET) in the four focus islands through targeted capacity building.